Fascia is layers of connective tissue throughout your entire body that help stabilize your joints and muscles.
Fascia is most easily understood when we break it down into three general categories – and, as you’ll see, it’s found everywhere in your body:
1. Superficial fascia. This layer is right under your skin.
2. Deep fascia. This layer is the dense connective tissue that forms a stocking around the muscles and tendons beneath the superficial fascia. Your deep fascia covers bones, muscles, nerves, and blood vessels.
3. Visceral fascia. The layer goes around certain organs that settle into your body’s open spaces, including the lungs, heart, and stomach.
Essentially, the fascial network is responsible for tension integrity. When it’s too tight in one area or another, you’ll experience discomfort. When it’s too loose, you’ll feel instability. If you experience uncomfortable joints, tight muscles, or your body feels limited while performing normal activities, this could indicate that your fascia is out of balance. Scheduling a session with a QUALIFIED FASCIAL STRETCH PROFESSIONAL at StretchFit Life can truly change how you feel in your body!